Ranbir Kapoor and Deepika Padukone's reunion on the big-screen is one major reason why people are flogging to theatres, to catch Tamasha. After Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani, RK and Dippy come together once again to remind us, how flawless they look as an on-screen couple. The trailer gave us the crux of the venture and I personally believed that Tamasha is essentially about Dippy and RK's togetherness and how they overcome the battle of being in a complicated and unconventional relationship. But as the film progresses, I realize that it is in truth, an out and out Ranbir Kapoor film and a story about his journey.
Tamasha is indeed an invigorated tale in today's times of fatuous films! It is clichéd, yes... It is flawed, yes... its story is nothing new, the way Imtiaz presents the story in the form of musical narrative, and the manner in which lead protagonists, Ranbir and Deepika mark that presence is truly commendable.'Tamasha' has a shaky beginning & the initial 20-minutes are awkward. Also, the narrative is non-liner & not all will be able to adapt or absorb the proceedings properly. The movie is not an everyone's cup of tea.
It's a blend of emotions (joy, sad, laughter etc). beware if you are looking for a masala entertainer with item songs, flying cars, action scenes, better stay away from this flick. You will seriously get bored in some parts of the movie but that is what the story demands. People will curse this movie and tag it as one of the worst movie of Imtiaz but I will just say that this is an Add-on in the list.
Ranbir Kapoor is brilliant in his act. He has enjoyed each & every scene of this movie.
Fifty percent shares to make this film brilliant goes to Ranbir another fifty percent goes to AR Rahman for his blazing music in the film. Every song is special in this movie ('Chali Kahani' is my personal favourite).
Tamasha could have been, but is certainly not, Imtiaz’s best - I found it better than "Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani", but it is not as gripping as Highway. With Imtiaz’s intriguing take on love stories, scenic locations and brilliant acting by Ranbir and Deepika, it is a one-time watch, but nothing more.
Go for it if you are really bored with clichéd bollywood movies and want to see an intense yet entertaining cinema.
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