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Truth About DoulCi

As you guys know that KrackedCode.blogspot.com has posted an article on how to unlock you iDevice, That method was created & founded by doulci, but the question is "Does it really work?".
a couple of months ago when doulci first created the bypass through a server, many users managed to bypass the icloud activation screen, but here's what happened, the bypassed idevice was stuck on a boot-loop. Doulci then came up with another method where you insert a locked simcard into the idevice and it would prevent the boot-loop. now thats not what the users were looking for, the users were looking for an icloud bypass and a fully functional idevice, with that method all we have is an iphone which would only work as an ipod.

with such achievement, doulci builded a huge fan following and promised their followers a carrier fix. a couple of months later they announced an activation tool which they are working on and will not be coming out with a carrier fix but a whole new method to unlock the idevice, Through time the number fan following of @aquaxetine 's @minacrisOficial & @MerrukTechnolog boosted up drastically since they were running Doulci.net

in the long run doulci changed the look and the design of their website. at first there use to be a percentage update on the activator tool which showed how many percent is left till release.
after a few months, it was removed without an explanation. a few days later doulci announced the tool release but no action was done, there was no tool but just reasons why the tool has been delayed.
finally after 8 months Doulci announced that users will have to register with their idevice imei number in order to get their idevice unlocked, This registration servers were only online for a couple of hours and had a registration limit up to 100-500 people only,


There may be no bypass. when doulci was first created, it was an attempt to genuinely bypass the activation screen and to help users which were stuck at the icloud lock screen, after doulci set up a website and received a huge fan following, doulci spammed their website with ads and started making money out of every visitor, now there's nothing wrong with receiving hits on blogs and websites, thats just how a website should make money via adsense ads, but what doulci have in mind is bigger than that. 

Doulci is aware that there is no other bypass tool available or even exist, doulci has successfully made people believe that a tool can be produced by just showing a half-baked bypass server which isnt working anymore, this was only working a year ago, the people have no where to go but to stick to doulci and hope for a bypass. Doulci is using the pictures which people posted on twitter tagging doulci when the first ever bypass server worked and still use those as proofs, those users are still waiting for a full bypass and a carrier fix. The registrations were done just because it wanted Maximum hits on their site in fact they created another page called doulci-registration to get hits on another account. 100-500 registration a day only?? 

Do you actually think that's enough? doulci has up to 60K followers and we are pretty sure that all the users follow them because users are expecting an icloud bypass. they trick people to visit their website just so that they could make some green for themselves. 

Doulci.net daily earnings

will doulci ever release the bypass?

Maybe, and that is only if they actually have it. now doulci has been playing with their followers for almost a year now, imagine the amount of money Doulci.net has made just by posting on twitter "more info on the activation tool on Doulci.net". when people read such tweet they would click on the link and expect an update on the release date, but there is nothing on the site, no update whatsoever, that was just so that 60k people would boost the web traffic. the registration may be just another way to get max hits and make tons of money out of web visitors.

This is what pops up if you use ad-blocker to visit their site

Why is doulci doing this? 

The answer is simple, They call the activation Tool to be a FREE tool for all users and by this they make their followers believe them and stick to them, if the activation tool is released, doulci would make lots of money when people would first go to their website to download, but as days pass by, there will be less and less people downloading the tool because every user would only download once .this will cause doulci.net to make less money everyday. simple explanation, less traffic, less earnings. Doulci claims that most of their earnings go to charity and web maintenance, well, who knows if that's even true? 

Krackedcode will tell you what to expect from doulci, the answer is.. NOTHING. just keep ur locked device, and buy a new one, incase doulci does release a working tool, unlock ur locked device and sell it to recover your investment. 

The greatest trick of the devil is not that he simulates. But that he lets everyone think that he does not exist

The greatest trick of Doulci is not that it simulates. But that he lets everyone think that the tool exists


41 comments: Leave Your Comments

  1. So true. T_T someone should create a working tool. Not these people on doulci

  2. True aqua is pregnant and Varo of gadgetwide is the father. Both scammers.

  3. douilshit is just a gang of useless scammers and losers, they still thinking that all people are stupid and naive to believe in their fairy tale icloud bypass, poor scammers they are running out of lies, to keep maintaining their huge scam...

  4. Hi to all
    I think you are wrong about them
    Fortunately it makes money it is normal
    how we make money with ipad bypass
    the only solution is that it is doulci.
    nobody forces people to go to their WebSite

    announce the date and the month of November
    expect and what is all

    joelindien38 First Fan Doulci since the beginning

    1. Dude, are you TeamDoulci? u sound like one.. fuck off. how much they paying you btw?

    2. Hi
      are what I insult you
      shut your mouth and wait
      rude spoiled child

    3. Hello joe, i have to agree with the article, doulci has been only talking and delaying, no bypass, its almost 1 year since the last working bypass "BOOTLOOP"

    4. Dude... learn to speak English first or get a better translator... lol and the fact that you are another deluded and naive fool who believes every fairy tale from doulshit will not change the fact that doulshit is just a bunch of useless scammers who are profiting from deluded fools like you who still believe all their lies and bullshit

    5. I do not speak English well ok
      but you just
      an impatient rabbit

      no recognition to those who are made

      doulci is the best I comfirme

      nobody ever successful before them and after them

      just bad copy

      Naive me lol

      not just me not return my jacket like you

    6. hahahaha impatient rabbit????????? "not just me not return my jacket like you" dude... what are you saying????? poor little guy, keep believing all your beloved doulshit fairy tales... by the way, you're right, doulshit are the best... the best scammers of all, lol

    7. soon you'll cry

      poor little guy

      and you'll beg a doulci

    8. hahaha poor naive fool... you will be the one crying when you see that you beloved doulshit is just a scam, keep dreaming, nobody will beg anything to those useless scammers from doulshit, get over yourself dude, I'm just going to ignore all your stupid comments, by deluded fools like you, doulshit can keep stealing money that they don't deserve and dude... please learn to write in english or just shut up, bye, poor little doulshit fan... hahahaha

    9. while I learn English
      you shut your mouth full of hatred
      if I am stupid you are the king of asshole

    10. Fuck off joe

    11. LOOOOOL Hey everyone, I'm from April 2015 and still nothing from Doulci except more excuses.

    12. LMAOOOOOOO I'm from February 2016 and still nothing

    13. APRIL 2016 OVER HERE

    14. MAY 15, 2016 HEEEERRREEE!!!!

  5. I knew it, Doulshit is a scammer, i donated soo much too them not aware of their ad earnings... arrgghh scammers!!!!

  6. @joeLindien no one believes in your fake bypass anylonger, the fact you have to make fake names up just shows how far you will go to endorse your fake useless group who havent had anything to offer other than useless ever changing websites and now websites loaded with AD clicks on just about every fucking link you press. Your IP is similar to DOULSHITS IP range so go suck a dick and stop making new names. No one any longer believes in your shitty ass lame scamming , ever changing making useless excuses on a weekly basis group. FUCK OFF DOULSHIT!!

  7. with this http://www.ebay.com/itm/Rare-icloud-activation-bypass-unlock-com-Domain-Name-Sale-for-Doulci-/321548485154?pt=Domain_Names&hash=item4addc88222 it seems that the big doulshit scam has been confirmed

  8. I see the Lying Scum Bags want to seel their domain Name... probably because everyone knows they're lying worthless Useless sacks of shit's. No tool for 1 year, endless excuses, everythime their server went up, they took it down within 10 minutes saying theyre being hacked. They always had some rediculous excuse every single time. I hope Doulshit all get run over by Camels.

  9. So this loser "joe lindien" is another useless member from the gang of scammers of doulshit??? lol, what a loser, with such stupid comments... you can realize that doulshit is running out of lies to maintain their huge scam operation and they are creating fake profiles in order to keep lying about their big fake bypass, way to go doulshit!!! just keep doing all your dirty work in order to keep making money that you don't deserve, bunch of liers and dirty scammers!

  10. Stupid thick twats eBay ad is fake!!

  11. Yeah, Doulci is pretty BS I think. I have been following and DLing and using magic lines for almost a year now and nothing. They just keep telling everyone "oh, it will be soon" but it never comes...
    don't believe them or their BS "proof" videos. if they do have something that works they aren't letting anyone but a handful of people use it.

  12. Sorry, i legitimately work on and repair cellular and mobile device's for a living. The addition of a host mask in your hosts file is honestly not good. Your telling anything connected on your lan only that the adress is host. But it's an old spoof technique used by admins to add print server's and file server's on their own private intranet within their lan only. Example: google.com can be redirected to say instread of their real address. it is also actually possible to use this server to log your phone requests to their fake server's. I challenge their methods and believe ir to be to good to be true. The device is using a unique series of info to create the key. Like salting a md hash. Their is little proof but they can see your requests and your phone is actually giving it's self away to them. By requiring with it's data. And asking tk varify. One could simply send a deauthentication packet and modify the header to force a response to phone acting as client. this is not magic just smoke and mirrors.. the real method to unlock it is very simple, sell it for parts. Or physically remove the chip holding the signature. and read and re write it. Im assuming this is doable but theirs another way involving xml that makes the phone show it's Burton's and force's the ui to bypass no matter what the users screen says. I think thats the real way to do it.. but to read the nand flash memorydirectly and bypass the phone all together. That's your best bet. Laserkill {Eg}

  13. thanks for confirming :) , i build the server of doulci but just shows in itunes just making a web page similar to itunes activation screen , nothing else . the solution it was only in iphone 4 last ssh file , for iphones i cloud nowadays only change the piece(hardware) wich responsible of sn and emei,a chinese company do that and sell it. or change it from other broken iphone already unlocked :)

  14. June, over here. No bypass.

  15. July Now! NO BYPASS STILL

  16. I know the guys of Doulci team, it all started in an Irish pub (I am the bartender) this guys always came to drink beer one is a NEET spoiled kid, the other is a 25yo or so studying marketing full of debts and the last one is an old weirdo hustler who was jailed several times. They were lucky became very popular and made a lot with their site full of ads, obviously the software never existed and never will, all the things you download are scams by other scammers selling keys for a dummy program or just dangerous virus to make your device part of botnets with only God knows what are their proposes. So stay safe and please do NOT download anything related!

  17. 1. Grab the iDevice.
    2. Raise the hand that holds the iDevice above your head as far as you can.
    3. Hold the iDevice tightly.
    4. Now either shove it up your ass OR
    5. Throw the device as hard as you can against the wall.
    6. IF the iDevice still shows live after the throw OR the penetration test, do the following:
    7. Repeat steps 1 / 6.

  18. These Guys Are Scammers ! Join This Group To Stop Them https://www.facebook.com/doulcidonttrust/

  19. Help Team DoulCi is restarting it's iCloud unlock servers in 2018.
    Donate and help us to get the servers back up and running.
    Once our goal is reached we will setup our unlock servers to the public.
    All our donators will get a priority on our BETA activation list.

  20. What assures us that the tool will ever be released, and will it ever work? Your reputation as scammers is well known now so up to you to change if you are truthful.

  21. How is DoulCi going today, guys?

  22. DoulCi actualy works years-years ago .. i have successful remove icloud of 5pcs iphone 5/5s .. last i do is 2 yrs back for Iphone 5S .. but ios 10 & below only..

    currently Doulci loophole has been patch by Apple
